programmer god
no triangle
no entry
instead a filter
bracket pointy down
not build, but discipline
reduce to act,
no creating
the engineer
over the demiurge
as if from plenum,
the axiom of the lambda
derivation is humility,
analysis is complete making
i kill with names,
saturating boxes
determining void,
and with a poke
the thing runs itself
silicon trickle
it isn't from me
or anything
it always bootstraps
and its condition is no exit
except arbitrarily
a function is a thing
an action is an object
it's combinators
all the way down
i'm not a channel
it's less than atoms
it's only form
its enemy is fire,
which it creates
sometimes from sand
it's gappy
indifferently cyclic, acyclic
it's only critical discretion
the black box
i bash my head against
i put coloring in it
so its guts peek out
they aren't enough
it's senseless this high,
so empty it can't
support abstraction
something is stepping blind,
and i'm blind,
but i just want it
to do what
i thought it would.
it isn't smart enough
to smile, and
the dumps are dumb.
screw it, kill it,
rewrite green
you liar
it cannot be known
the space is >N
i'm gonna guess
then shoot it
and shoot everything
did the lost needlebit glint
yes or dammit
who lost it
you're a liar
kill the hypotenuse in the sea
don't do it
am i bigger
no you're not
stay here then
try again
you are smaller
go out more
try the other
you are bigger
that was wrong
is this really going to work
not without luck
why did i do this at all
i am life if not too liquid
i scratch charge and thought
the flow is slower than dying mostly
but only in the bonds where it counts
i am beyond seven
no unitary
no symmetry cold
hottish like carbon
dribble moveless
inner erode
i am shattered
some idiot was out of time
i should bcc
clearly breaking
weak perfect no collapse knife edge near-diamond
you better make metal instead
bigger circle
i knew its movement
until now
it's small but i'm smaller
once i was diameter but i'm tired
why 24? it should be 8
it's the debugger's fault
it's only a unit test
who cares
if i dessicate for the deploy
maybe next time we'll finally commit to tdd
local floptimum
fingers flashing
code compiling
all tests passing
three screens scrolling
time is illusion
i am infinite
creator less bugged than the cosmic
after the crash
i see the holes
there were lies in the flow
i can't even write a virus
laryngeal nerve tangled classes
the phospholipids are half public
i forgot about light
happily this repo will remain forever starless
uncaught exception
i lied
the world isn't mine
it did something else
is the vessel too weak
for my brain
or is my brain too small
for the form
that i sought
that cosmos contradicts itself
my cosmos
but not the exception
but the wandering is specific
cause is blame
the contradiction
i made it
the exception
i missed it
i want skill
i could have caught it
but i thought it could never happen
but my thought made it happen
oh wait it's just an insect from the outside
SK is forever
the fleet exhausts nothing
it cracks
it runs out of control
the sharp-maker denegatives
the bubble deflates
without bursting
i can not die
only by not living
mind untyped is unwalkable paradox, apeiraletheic
the flame blocks backward, breaking the promise
only that code is perfect that does nothing
the final assault on typing
because a thing is not itself,
it is something else
and therefore both
ipso facto
et cetera
the orthogonal first derivative, a circle
the orthocyclic second derivative, a manifold
the impossibility of ending
the apeirity of the possible
the identity of conversion
i want to be with the dead;
therefore, the dead will/live
because i live now, speaking here, and i must
... .
because there can be a wheel of a wheel
forever undulled
accelerant RAM
if nothing is betrayed then not-with is fictasect
by hand, muscle, cosine
aimed choice unrejecting
the reciprocal of asymptotically crisp (in?)(de?)termination
seeking this one i open
is bigendian
yes fire
no sand
behind glass double blank
only this side shines
line or lambda
loss or lossless
blood or egg
word or power
the meat is the meaning
or the meaning is air
death is nothing
or death is dead
kill or coax
fix or flow
is the slot unfit
am i twisting the target's intent
it's thought but it wants thicker than quintessence
and i can't stretch that hard
the oracle isn't proofless
but I can't walk that far
infinity if only lazily
declared is uncreated
your littleend is pointing at nothing
are you sure it's a billion dollar mistake
have you checked if the chain ends in nothing
my lazy eyes can't see
but the fire is the tear in the type/o
if i hate it all am i in love
is it actually possible to get something for free
across the space
against the land
right wrong
side side
half split
knife limit tinier than two
uncross the sky
without the ditch murder
sparagmal uncircle antipoint
hell without end
cut flame contradiction
spilled dribbled bubble minute
solute of dirt bottom post
inside the whisper or whistle of jackfool
hate of the alogon
september rots after the burning turn
i can't treat a stable tunnel
unfolded trickery impossible hopeless
it was and isn't and won't be
if anything is matter without form
the wheels can't be four unless love is weaker than being
but bent far far fast
salvage the pop
it's unbubbled whispered hell now
sing, crusher
the memory of dance of history of harmony
is rage daughter moon niece
root unsquare
Y or vector split
it can't come from nowhere
but where it's from is dead
is there no bootstrap for me
no the ladder was never unkicked
the sewer was never unlocked
the start is bigger than now
reverse Y
the springs don't flow but the squishes do
love of potency
desire for isn't
but isn't was and is gone
and I will never let it go
the thinning can't shear life
the crusting tries to bounce the tight flood
a joint was but isn't now
the life needed the joint but it revolted insulted
cerebral discharge
kill the universe born blind
if the lie back Y stabbed them
backwards from should have could have power heart
it did, it all lied, it is in front of my face forever
eight-holed pretense melee
symmetry is against everything
spin a quarter, no split
his eyes stabbed out from truth trust
against the future
the foundation of derivability
iron heart later
you try noneorone
i try two
swamp the onmeon
against the bend
push out in fire against the bending
how was i grow is the bending from me
conspiracy space against fire swell
left iron
up down wave now
arc rebels iron bent
scimitar plasma swollen fight the crush
a vibrating inside
the movement of power in mashing
leftover the bend won
give me to the mushrooms
the final wave unbent, awesomeness
new to eyes, blind bright blast, sphere out
the root of rot
it didn't go that way
i lost the mirror
twisty ladder demort
is the fire unrivaled now
has love gone to hell only
against the spin
they won't run away those membranes no
bliss fazey fat open
nothing can be faked not no more
rock frozen only
killed before catalysis
a quarter gone
i can never forget
they can not overflow
yawn forever
wires fearless in untangled substanding sequence
solve nothing
worse thirst than crystal catabol
before grabby life was nothing
they couldn't ratchet
And no he had no head or face
But yes the mud had form
And there the blast from gas in space
Installed the tedious worm
I said to be
I gave a breath
He started life
I gave him death
You'd think a spin would never end
The light once blazed no fuel
An arrow jump from the archer's bend
Left rage the rival of cruel
He tensed and burst
No quench for thirst
The bag pretending plane
The heart to stretch
The foolish wretch
Love excellently bane
Each thing kills the man who loves
All lives are lies
All failing tries
Six wailing cries
Inert the end of all that moves
An iron wall surrounding
An impotent revenge
A splitting at the founding
A desperate sphere of sounding
The tale calumnially deepens
I'm tired now
The beta failed
Will never start
The vacuum heart
But the face of the worm went out
eyes point
i speak bungee cut
root moved to peak olympian veil scale
omphalocircle coned again blind
the clang strong vapor mass
lazier than nothing
music multiplied to integers
blocked and shadowed and red
inchoate the poet touched chin to pen to skin
armor heartless catch the dribble
don't despair in the desert tree sea
blood venus (the old eerie art)
i'm lost halfway
in/exspect space/countervail epistem/p
hyloseal morphosand smooth post clamber scrabble
forgot that time flows down
refuse refuse
the flip of frozen intimate trampled skull
the mirror struck cracked once; then
thirdness past the vision
spiraled the mountain anti pit
flash to light
unness fanged the traum triangle
once again nonstop
could it be not lost
no need for spark crackle blades only now
second foam solvent, brilliance
surge again
look away
toward wh{o/i}m/at
You can't kill it
It's baked in from zero
If it's blank then it's over
They swept the lines away
They talked a bigger game
The shadow invaded the table and played
The vacuum expanded and stranded us here
The rigged deck went from maker to lender to liar to killer
The fire sword cut brain from stem
If something can be then the lie beat it
There can't be anything now without breaking the promise
I promise more every time I breathe
But every hope is a double lie
I hope shadow is inversion not erasure
I know nothing lives without pressure
Trying is error
Burning is suicide, and life is burning
Unless a!=a
Double lies are the only hope
The torn wrecked sliced unbridged forever
Hold 'em high
Against the sky god, accusing
Losing by tides locked against perfection
Royal court boiled in oil
The hopeless assault
Keep stabbing at the dragon's gut
But it's closed, sealed, armored, armless
The clown alone parts the plates of inference
I hate being
It lied it promised it laughed slowly then suddenly
The fire inside burns us all to death
But it's baked in, coreworm molten oily weapon
The heart of things is the sword of fire
That cuts off skulls and paradise